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Saturday 1 June 2013

Web 4.Oh You Are Surely Kidding

This is it, my final post before the final post and I am ending on the rant to end all rants!

Technology is going to save the world! Surely Marcus Cake intended to make readers laugh. Technology is what is going to end the world and our desire for the latest in technology is speeding it on its way.

Recently my girlfriend's phone plan was coming to an end. This left her with a phone that was just under two years old and functioning adequately. Optus called and offered her a new one and another two year contract which she of course jumped at because shiny things are not just for potheads anymore.

This would not be so bad if we did not vacation at Western Plains Zoo and hear how procuring something necessary for mobile phones to function is killing elephants. So, we took the mobile phone recycling bag and plenty of photos of the elephant because heaven forbid we should just experience the moment purely in the moment. Then it's home with our memories and photos for those with deficient ones and a giant middle finger to Barbar the second the latest shiny toy comes on offer. Awareness means diddly where humans are concerned. We want what we want whatever the cost to the planet and we want everything smothered in bacon and cheese. We are simple creatures no matter how advanced our technology might become. And we are killing the world one species at a time with our selfish ways.

So, if your children ever ask you why the elephants died out say, "Sorry kids, I just had to have the iPhone 7 or my friends wouldn't have thought I was cool anymore." But don't cry too much for the elephant kids because the bigger tragedy is that they are just one of the many species we are going to wipe out until we reach our final goal: humanity itself!!!! And on that horribly exaggerated note, rant off.

(My sentiments exactly)

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