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Tuesday 19 March 2013

[Citation Needed]

Let's not lie about this dear readers: WE ALL WIKI!!!

It is a sad fact that it is just too easy to wiki for what you want and half the time what you want isn't so vitally important that some misinformation will lead to the end of your world.
  • The discography of Wednesday 13?
  • Episodes in Star Wars: The Clone Wars series 5?
  • Platypuses? Platypi? The hell with pluralising them, Platypus?!?
  • Vanessa Doofensmirtz?
  • Omega flight? 
These are the utterly pointless queries I have thrown at wiki this week. And yes dear reader, the humble platypus does sweat milk. In fact, I challenge you all to wiki the humble platypus and see if there are any discrepancies in the entry. I challenge you to do this for one reason: every fact about the platypus seems like a discrepancy!

(Even I as a wiki user am doubtful that they wear hats in real life)

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