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Friday 15 March 2013

Kate Monster Is Vindicated!

Adult Themes (and some Juvenile ones too!)

Finally, according to the video "The Social Media Revolution 2012-13" something has overtaken porn as the number one activity on the web. Kate monster has finally been vindicated but at what cost? The internet is not for porn anymore but is it any less pointless? People are tweeting things barely worth mentioning in small talk situations, checking in at shopping centres and posting pictures of their dinner on Flika and Instagram. The Titan that was porn has been toppled by the Olympians of banality. I'll even admit myself that outside of my uni work my ten minutes spent on the internet is to find out what's happening in the world of PS3 gaming! We have this powerful tool and we use it for the most part for nothing of real importance.

Rant over. What I really took from the module is how powerful social media has become. How do we leverage that power for libraries and not just leave the powerful tool to gather dust in the box? How do we reach them where they are in a way that will have some impact? Why would they want to friend us? Why would they want to read our blog? And how can a library justify putting picture of food and librarians doing duck-face on Flicka and Instagram? 

The video left me with more questions than answers which I hope will be answered as I progress through the modules. One thing I am certain of: the porn industry is figuring out a way to leverage social media to their advantage.

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